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Monday, March 1, 2010

Holy Winter!

Well, it seems as though winter came and I've spent the weekend trying to dig out from under 24 inches of new, wet heavy snow. This is always the time of the year when spring seems like a really wonderful thought. I am sure others feel this way too, but I get to a point when a green landscape would be nice and not having to wear four layers to go out would be a dream. I feel as though March should be spring, but am always disappointed that we potentially will get snow in April. The above picture is the "tunnel" that I needed to clear in order to get to the studio. Between roof raking and shoveling 30 lb shovel-fulls of snow I do feel as though I've gotten my exercise, but not mush else has gotten done. No wonder I put color on my pots. The below image is one that I came across recently. The photo was taken in poland and it about sums up my feeling at the moment.

Found out today that Red Lodge wants to keep the work that I sent out for my featured artist exhibition, and keep me on as a represented artist. I'm pretty psyched about it, and hopefully the work will do well over the coming months. Red Lodge has a great online web presence, and if you haven't seen the work yet, check out the Red Lodge Clay Center website. It's always good to pick up a new spot to have work.

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